Fat Bear Week organizer deems Minnesota bear 'a real chubby champ'
Twitter users across the nation tuned in this week to cast their votes and crown the fattest bear in Alaska's Katmai National Park during what's become known as "Fat Bear Week."
Brown bear 747, who weighs an estimated 1,400 pounds in preparation for winter hibernation, won the title Wednesday, though Katmai National Park notes he appears "blissfully unaware".
Minnesota's own Voyageurs Wolf Project took to Twitter on Thursday to introduce fat bear fanatics to the "chonkers of the Northwoods."
"Those fat bears at Katmai ain’t got nothing on the chonkers from the Northwoods!" the organization wrote. "Northwoods bears don’t need a salmon buffet to get fat! They work for their pounds and look real snazzy while doing it like this cinnamon boss below."
Katmai National Park even weighed in on the cinnamon beauty's size.
The verdict?
"A real chubby champ!"
After all, fat is fit in the bear world.
But wait, there's more. The Voyageurs National Park put together its own collection of chunky Minnesota bears.