Viral poll asks people to name their state's worst city, Minnesotans pick Edina
It has great schools, a strong economy and cavernous, expensive homes, but the one thing Edina doesn't have going for it is the approval of the rest of Minnesota.
The city immortalized as being the home of the "cake-eaters" (thanks, Mighty Ducks) was the unfortunate recipient of the unwanted honor of being named Minnesota's "worst city" in a very unscientific poll on Instagram.
The creator of the poll is Matt Surelee, who has gained social media fame through his collection of amusing charts and graphs.
His latest chart comes courtesy of his 292,000 Instagram followers, the opinion of whom he solicited to determine "The Worst City in Every State."
While some were picked after having suffered, for example, historic economic decline (ie. Gary, Indiana), Edina on the contrary is the center of huge prosperity.
This in turn has led to suggestions that its residents are rich and snooty, even though the western Twin Cities metro is now home to arguably richer cities, particularly those bordering Lake Minnetonka.
But Edina remains the bad guy, with the city having its own Urban Dictionary entry, its own acronym in the form of "Every Day I Need Attention," while the internet definition of "cake-eater" references Edina.
Its success of sports is another point of envy, with Edina High School winning more state titles than any other in Minnesota.
The Star Tribune tried to answer the question "Why does everyone hate Edina?" this past August, and identified a combination of sporting success, financial wealth, its upmarket shopping, and its attractive, leafy and – perhaps most importantly – relatively unchanged residential areas among the reasons.
What's more, it's proven in the past by its embrace of the "cake-eater" monicker that, despite everything, it's ok with being the state's punching bag.